Monday, April 27, 2015

The March

The March on Washington, was a documentary voiced over by famous  and Oscar award winning actor, Denzel Washington, that discusses Dr. Martin Luther King’s supporters quest to Washington D.C and the famous speeches and protests he gave and lead.  The movie gave  background of Dr. King’s supporters, other civil rights activists, the significance of the march, the role that young people played in that time, and Dr. King’s powerful speeches

One aspect that stuck more than others to me in the movie was the importance of the college students. I did not realize that the young people played a crucial role in carrying out protests, participating in the marches, and advocating for Dr. King, until I watched the movie. I have the utmost respect for the college students who protested by sitting at all white only lunch counters. I know personally that I would have not been able to keep it together like the college students did with food being thrown on them, being spit on, hit and kicked constantly by racists, and the “n” word hurled at them. With out them the progress of America would not be where it is today.

It’s amazing to me the impact that Dr. King had on not only black citizens of the U.S. but also white Hollywood celebrities.  I did not realize that apart of the hundreds of thousands of people that went to see Dr. King speak, celebrities such as Burt Lancaster, Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, and Charlton Hester went to support Dr. Kings in Washington, D.C. I have heard Dr. Kings speech several of times, but when I heard it in that movie it was as if I could actually feel the magnitude of the words that Dr. King was saying. Overall the movie as a whole was effective and sent a powerful message not only to Africans Americans, but people of all ethnicities around the world.

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