Wednesday, February 11, 2015

ISIS: Japanese hostage beheaded

On Tuesday February 3, 2015, CNN reported that Japanese journalist, Kenji Goto,  was killed by ISIS member, Jihadi John, in a 67 second long video. In the video the masked ISIS member, Jihadi John gives a brief speech in English to the people of Japan standing behind Goto with a knife in his hand.  According to CNN the video goes black as Jihadi John puts his knife to Goto’s throat. Once the video is clear again, Goto head is seen on the ground due to decapitation. This is not the first time that the masked man, Jihadi John, has hurled threats and overseen beheadings of other innocent citizens. He has been reported to have been present in six videos with hostages. Reporters describe his voice similar to a London accent. Goto was the second Japanese citizen to be killed by ISIS. The 47 year old father left behind a wife and a daughter who was recently born in December. 

ISIS continues to take hostages from different countries to prove their power and dominance. Just recently ISIS captured Jordanian pilot, Moath al Kasasbeh in Syria. He was captured after ejecting from his F-16 Jet.  ISIS has reported to Jordanian officials that they demand Jordan to exchange a convicted terrorist named Sajida al-Rishawi, for al-Kasasbeh. ISIS claims that if the swap does not take place, al Kassabeh will be killed. Jordanian Officials say that they are willing to give al -Rishawi  to ISIS in exchange for the pilot. Al –Rishawi is a female jihadist who was imprisoned in Jordan for being part of 2005 suicide bombing at a wedding reception, which killed dozens of innocent people. Jordan’s main  objective now is to receive some type of verification that al –Kaseasbeh is still alive.

At this point I believe that the United States should get involved in this affair and ally with Jordan to stop ISIS before they murder more innocent people.

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