Tuesday, February 24, 2015

3 students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill

On Tuesday February 12, 2015, three  Muslim college students were shot to death in an apartment near the  University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.  The victims of this crime were sisters, Yusor  – Salha, 21, and Razan Abu –Salha,19, and Yusor’s husband, Abu Salha, 23. Police believe that the shooting of the three college students was over a parking spot, however they would not be surprised if it was a hate crime since all three of the students were Muslim. The man who was charged for murder for killing them  was 46 year old Craig Stephen Hicks. Facebook users come to the conclusion that Hicks, who is an atheist, killed the students because they were Muslim. Users have noticed comments posted on Facebook that could possibly be interpreted as racist comments.

Hick’s wife, Karen, thinks otherwise. She believes that her husband did  not shoot the students because of their religion but for parking in his parking spot on a regular basis. His wife also mentioned to authorities that she’s in the process of getting a divorce so that could be a possible factor for her husband’s actions. Karen’s attorney, Rob Maitland, stressed in an interview the importance of looking into people’s health records because it was clear that Craig ‘s mental health was not in the normal range, considering he shot 3 people over a parking spot.

The father of Yusor Abu  Salha and  Razan Abu Salha, Mohammad Abu Salha disagrees with Karen’s claims. He told CNN that he is very certain that  the deaths of his daughters and son in law were  because of their religion. He told CNN that problems did not begin to escalate until his oldest daughter moved in with his son in law in his condo. He told reporters that his eldest daughter, Yusor, had told him that Hicks  always came to their door to argue about an issue with a gun on his belt. The father believes that once Hicks saw his daughter with a head scarf, he figured she was Muslim, which he appeared to not be fond of. Stories like this show that racism can occur in any race, but it is important that we stand up for people when we see them being discriminated against. America cannot watch children killed over this issue no longer.

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